Spray-drying is also widely used to produce powdered forms of fruits and vegetables. This process helps preserve the nutritional content, flavor, and color of the original produce while extending its shelf life and making it easier to transport and use in various applications.
Sr. no | Product / Botanical Name | Part Used | Standardised For | Enquiry |
1 |
Mango PowderMangifera Indica |
2 |
Banana PowderMusa Acuminata |
3 |
Pineapple PowderAnanas Comosus |
4 |
Amla PowderPhyllanthus Emblica |
5 |
Watermelon PowderCitrullus Lanatus |
6 |
Orange PowderCitrus Aurantium |
7 |
Chikoo PowderManilkara Zapota |
8 |
Lemon PowderCitrus Limon |
9 |
Custard Apple PowderAnnona Reticulata |
10 |
Guava PowderPsidium Guajava |
11 |
Strawberry PowderFragaria X Ananassa |
12 |
Pomegranate PowderPunica Grantum |
13 |
Spinach PowderSpinacia oleracea |
14 |
Tomato PowderLycopersicon esculentum |
15 |
Bitter Gourd PowderMomordica Charantia |
16 |
Carrot PowderDaucus carota |
17 |
Beet JuiceBeta vulgaris |
18 |
Bottle Guard PowderCucurbits Crops |
19 |
Ginger PowderZingiber Officinale |
20 |
Green Chili PowderCapsicum Annum |
21 |
Garlic PowderAllium Sativum |
22 |
Tamarind Indica PowderTamarindus Indica |
23 |
Mint PowderMentha Sativa |
24 |
Coriander PowderCoriandrum Sativum |
25 |
Onion PowderAllium Cepa |
26 |
Capsicum PowderCapsicum Annuum |